mardi 18 décembre 2007

non c'è logica nelle slide.
odio le slide per principio.
e quele della ditta in cui lavoro sono peggio.
voglio un manuale cartaceo, che proceda con un filo logico.
in cui posso scegliere se adottare un fast forward -o lettura diagonale- o una lettura lenta e approfondita.
caro autore delle slide, un pensiero per te:
se sei formatore per vocazione, rifletti su ciò che faresti, oltre che su ciò che spieghi.
se sei formatore per lavoro, cerca la tua vocazione, o cambia lavoro. poi, rifletti sulla logica delle tue affermazioni.

mardi 11 décembre 2007

.net updates are graying out your web site?

do you have updates since a few seconds/minutes/hours your .net platform?
or are you obtaining "page not found" error for a web site that you're sure it was working yesterday evening?
well, the first thing you've to try is to go to the IIS manager, and take a look at the Web Services extensions. Are they enabled? All the ones required by your web site?

be careful to enable ONLY the ones you need, otherwise you can open gates to malicious users!

news today

the highlighted news today:

lundi 10 décembre 2007


I'm waiting for a Windows 2008 RC1. but all the people (IT pros) are out for lunch and I cannot get a blank DVD.

somebody (phil) has put on a slow and crying blues. it feels the emptiness of life (without a Windows 2008 RC1).

well, jokes apart, I'm now setting up a VMware image to start testing without a real DVD. they (producers) should start to imagine computers with emulated drives, starting form an ISO image.

and what about windows 2008 signature for drivers? if a driver signature is not good for you, it won't boot. well, in this case, a F8 at the boot of your computer will be a panacea (placebo) for your driver signature yelling feature.
source: "Installing the RC of WS2008" (available online, frequent updates à prevoir)

vendredi 30 novembre 2007 __eventvalidation

a mechanism has been added in to avoid injection on sensible page contents: the event validation.
simple as registering, server side, all the possible values of all the variables in your web page.
something like:
HASH(DropDownList1.UniqueID) XOR HASH(Valeur de l'article)
the result is then serialized to the __eventvalidation hidden field.

more on VIEWSTATE, a strict friend to __EVENTVALIDATION [excerpt from a pdf published in the follow-up]
__VIEWSTATE is an application state container.
 Maintain state between multiple postback requests.
 "Holds all your variables"
 Serialized base64 encoded data.
 Viewstate contents can be encrypted.

to understand what this is used for, here are the following pages

now on more precise explications


all this is fun.

mardi 20 novembre 2007

From the wireless e-ink book to GranParadiso

Coming back to the office after the lunch, I can read the following news:
Amazon is launching a wireless e-ink book, named kindle. Amazon currently allows all users to download an excerpt of the sold books (90000, according to A.). Well, I think this could be a great Christmas present. Sony's doing (or has done) the same thing.
Mozilla foundation is releasing Firefox 3 beta 1.
Some news, good news indeed!